Dangers of Touching or Breathing Skunk Feces

Although skunk feces are not very dangerous to touch or breathe, they can pose a problem which is why it pays to learn a little bit about the dangers of touching or breathing skunk feces. At the very least, you need to behave in a responsible manner and you also need to be certain that when dealing with its feces in a confined space you act in a very circumspect manner. The good news is it is very rarely that touching or breathing skunk feces will result in an infection.

Danger of contracting diseases
Even so, you can contract diseases when you touch or breathe skunk feces. You could be infected by diseases such as Leptospirosis. Other diseases that can be contracted by touching or breathing skunk feces include canine distemper and hepatitis as well as Listeriosis and roundworms. 

Protect yourself 
To be safe, it makes sense for you to wear appropriate clothing when dealing with skunk feces and you also need to use proper equipment. Since there is a huge danger that you could contract Leptospirosis, you need to be especially careful when cleaning the feces or when removing it. You need to ensure that you don on a breathing mask and you also need to cover your eyes with a pair of goggles. In addition, make sure you wear thick clothing with long sleeves and also ensure your hands are covered by thick gloves.

What to do after handling skunk feces?
Once you are done handling skunk feces, you should then take the clothes and gloves and wash them in hot water immediately after use. When cleaning skunk feces, you should know where to dispose of the matter. A thick garbage bag will prove to be useful in disposing of the feces and the same goes for a plastic container which you can then seal to ensure the feces do not fall out. 

Dispose of the feces properly
When using a garbage can, you need to double bag the feces and then you can either incinerate the material or put it out for disposal with your other garbage. After removing the feces, you need to ensure there are no residues remaining and if there are then you need to ensure that these are also removed.  Only when you are sure the area is safe for people, should you allow them into the area where skunks had dropped their feces. It is vitally important that you dispose of all the feces and in addition, you also need to get rid of nesting material. After cleaning the feces, you need to use disinfectant to clean up the area and to kill any remaining bacteria and harmful germs. By following these steps, you can not only get rid of the skunk feces properly, but you can also avoid any dangers associated with touching or breathing skunk feces.

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